You scanned it.
Way to follow your curiosity.

Want to know something the majority of people don’t know? 

Many have heard it,
but few actually get it.

There’s a reason, you’re here. 

You’re not a Mistake. Surprise. Burden. Problem.

You were made to be an object of extravagant love and in return give love.


There’s a God who made you, who’s not mad at you, but madly in love with you. 

He took unique aspects of himself and put them in You.

We were made to live in
peace, joy, and unity
with Him, each other, and the planet.

But that’s not how
we’re experiencing life,
is it?

We rebelled.

We decided we knew right and wrong better than God. We didn’t want to submit to Him but do it our own way.

Then chaos ensued.

Our own way just lead to us using ourselves and each other, striving to getthe peace and joy we were made for. 

The collateral damage was broken relationships, anxiety, depression, pain, self-hatred, evil, purposelessness. 

We scrapped to get back to what we knew we were made for, but











This is the pain our world is today.

But this is not the end of the story

Then God give His second gift.

He sent His Son, Jesus, on a rescue mission for our souls, knowing it would cost Him His Life. 

But He saw you, and knew you were worth it. 

He died saving you from your brokenness.

He took your shame, sickness, rebellion, pain, hurt, betrayal, lying, abuse, and mistakes and wrestled them to the death - breaking their necks and rendering them powerless.

But that’s still not the end of the story.

God brought Him back from the dead, not just to save His son, but also to give you that life that restores you back to the love and peace and unity you were made for. 

That’s the invitation. 

Give up the rebellion, the self-judgment, self-capacity, self-ability and accept the new life. 

Be reunited to the Loving God who made you to exist in relationship with Him.