The Cliff

I'm standing on the edge of the cliff ready to jump.
It's almost time to jump,
I hate this waiting time.
Time is so imminent yet so far away.
Standing in the ready position to run forth and take the leap,
but I grow tired and my muscles weak from the strain.

I do not know the height of this ledge
only that a leap of faith is required.
Whether it is a few feet or a few miles,
I wish to jump boldly.
I know my King will come through,
my rescue will capture me.
That life is not living until you leave the ledge.

Too much faith you've given me,
and too much blood you're given for me.
Too much pain you've endured
for me to turn and walk selfishly-cowardly
back down the inclined path.

So I wait to leave the edge,
I will not rush, I will not watch the clock.
I will trust my King, trust my guide.
I will wait with Him, trust in Him.
I will enjoy my time in his presence, feel his heart,
know His face, enjoy his embrace,
Long before, a time to leave the edge
I will not let go of Him, just my timing.

Abram Goff

I'm a dreamer, a lover, an idealist, a futurist, a creative, a follower, and a friend. I'm a lot of things we have titles for, but strip it all down to find what's left—who I really am after seasons and years and cities and nations—I'm loved by God and I'm discovering how to live with Him. I'm on a journey that is ambiguous for the nearsighted yet clearly defined in retrospect—becoming fully alive. It's predictably unpredictable to me in the moment but always leads to where I want to be, even before I know where that is. I often share about the process of finding and living the life Jesus has paid for—the abundant life.  Find out more at

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