It’s Time The Church Got Some Confidence
We’re all sitting in the circle. The same circle everyone has sat in. The speaker finishes addressing the topic and suddenly the floor gets a lot more interesting. All the eyes drop the floor to avoid eye contact and being picked to speak next. No one wants to speak. Only the clocks tells exactly how much time has past in the silence. Then, you hear him clear his throat, his chair scoot back on the floor as he stands up, “Yeah, I got you.”
You know that time when the Holy Spirit seems to speak the words of a song directly to your heart? That's what happened with “The Man” by Aloe Blacc. The chorus drops :
You can hear the well meaning little old lady with the slight lisp or the overly righteous man stand up and say “well, that’s just not Godly.” Well, it is Biblical.
You see it throughout the course of scripture, men of God have stepped up and said, “Yeah, I’ve got you. I’ve got your solution."
One of my favorites is probably Daniel. Daniel, a refugee who gets brought in front of the king...right after the king had a dream that messed him up. This isn't any king, this is a brutal king - the kind who will up and kill people because his coffee isn’t hot enough or they spoke with the wrong tone. In fact, this king promised he would “tear them limb from limb" if his cabinet couldn’t tell him the dream he had and what it meant. After none of his psychics, his magicians, his astrologers, his enchanters, or anyone else had an answer, he gives the order to kill them all. Then Daniel steps up. Daniel not only gets the dream but the interpretation of it. He doesn't do this once but twice. He knows God's ability to come through, so he steps up and puts himself in front of the crowd. He saves hundreds and is promoted to help lead God’s people.
Let’s not forget the little musical teenager named David who saw a 6’9” professional warrior taunting God’s people then ran at him ...with rocks….and won. Or remember Benaiah who chased down a lion into a pit on a snowy day…and won. Or Elijah who steps up and calls 850 false prophets to a showdown. He, then, proceeds to mock them all day until calling on God, who shows up...and wins.
This is way more than just confidence. This is Godfidence. This is knowing God is in you and therefore stepping up to be part of the solution on earth. Everything we do is by the power of God through the Holy Spirit. "Apart from me you can do nothing" is true, but it's also true that you'll never be apart from Him (1 Corinthians 16:7). The same God who said "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) is the same God who said he would never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) and taught us that He would do "far abundantly more than we can ask or imagine according to the powerful work WITHIN US.” (Ephesians 3:20)
“This is knowing God is in you and therefore stepping up to be part of the solution on earth.”
Still got issues knowing you’ve got the solution and are the solution. Consider the fact that Jesus said "YOU are the light of the world" talking to us (Matthew 5:14). He said we are the "salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). Ephesians teaches us that ALL THINGS are placed under His feet, and we ...are the body (Ephesians 1:18-23). Let that sink in for a minute. All things are under our feet. We are His body - we no longer live, but CHRIST lives in us (Galatians 2:20)
Come on, Church. It’s about time we stood up and decided that we were going to be the solution that Jesus left on the earth. We are His plan A. The hope of glory is Christ IN YOU (Colossians 1:27). The same Spirit who RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD lives IN YOU! (Romans 8:11)
I'm not sure at what point we became the marginalized portion of society - or how we became so offended by everything. Maybe we've been watching too much news lately. Yes, Jesus said we would have troubles in this world, He said they would hate us, but He followed it up with the fact that He already has overcome the world (John 16:33). He told us to lay down our lives to love them. How are you supposed to lay down your life in love and at the same time be offended because you didn't get your "rights"? It was never about that. It’s always been about reconciling the world to Him (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
“@@Your job is not to deliver. Your job is to show up and give God an opportunity to come through.@@”
It’s time for us to be in the board room and say “I know how we’ll make up for those extra costs”, to be in the hospitals and say “I’ll have a cure for that very soon”, to look into the eyes of an addict and say “This is bigger than you, but this ends today,” to see racial injustice and say “You're not going to win any longer, here's our solution." It’s time for when everyone else’s heads go down to avoid eye contact of being called upon, the Church stands up and says “I’ve got your answer.”
If you don’t know where to start, then start with an area that you’ve seen God come through before: finances, children, work stuff, relationships, etc. Godfidence. Start there and step it up. Then use that example for other areas: “If He’s came through with getting my kids through college, then I know He’s going to take care of your finances.” “If I know He’s taken care of my headache, then I know He’ll take care of that cancer."
The world will have the same response we see throughout the history and scripture: they’ll recognize God is with you, there is One Mighty God, He is real and loving, and things change when God shows up. We’ll see poverty end, racism defeated, addictions broke, jobs made, souls saved, relationships restored, and God glorified. We’ll be those people others keep coming back to to solve their problems or pray for because…they know it ACTUALLY WORKS.
“@@God has a solution. He is capable AND willing. I’m going to partner with Him today to see His solutions reach the world around me.@@”
Now, go "let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Jesus (Matthew 5:16)